produce & mix pro vocals-2

How to Produce & Mix Pro Vocals FREE 12-Hour Course has created a comprehensive video tutorial that covers all aspects of producing and mixing vocals. This tutorial goes into detail about the entire process, from recording and editing to comping, arrangement, creative vocal production, vocal mixing, and more.

By the time you complete this course, you will have gained a deep understanding of all the tools and techniques necessary for producing and mixing high-quality vocals.

You will also feel confident and fully equipped to approach vocal production, arrangement, and mixing easily. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced producer, this tutorial is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their vocal production skills.


  • Intro
  • Section 1 Vocal recording
  • Section 2 Comping and Editing
  • Section 3 Vocal Arrangement and Workflow
  • Section 4 Vocal Mixing
  • Outro

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